Subarashi & Utsukushii

SOP Subarashi
The first regeneration cell supplement in the world with Triple Peptide & the perfection of SOP 100+ with Japan technology and patent

Contain particular Salmon’s DNA which has 10X more effective than regular collagen which provides many benefits
What are Subarashi & Utsukushi?
SOP Subarashi
feel the change & get back to active you!
It regenerates your defects cells
It helps and empowers to all your essentials organs such as heart, liver, kidney, vessels, brain, skin, bones, nerves, immune system, digestion and even hair.
It made from 100% natural & organic ingredients. It’s comparable with stem cell injection with much more affordable, safe and easy to consume by everyone.

Benefits SOP Subarashi
Patent on cell regeneration, help regenerating defects cells, as every minutes millions of cells died & need to be replaced with new cells for healthier body.
Helps reduce tantrum, improve social interaction, communication and behavior.
Heart, stroke, liver, diabetic, auto immune, joints, nerves, thyroid, gastric, lungs, cancer, hypertension, kidney, migraine
Cell regeneration effect, improve blood circulation, anti hypertensive agent, prevent blood clotting
Salmon DNA Protein ‘Salmon Milt’ Male Hokkaido Oncorhynchus Keta Salmon
Japanese believe besides heart, intestine is the other important organ which work very hard. We understand the origin of all diseases start from problematic or unhealthy intestines. Utsukushii helps to get healthier intestines thus healthier you.

Help improving and giving solution for our beauty in areas such as: skin, eyes, pores, acne problem, acne marks as well as helping on diet process & stabilize weight
Help improving and giving solution for our health in areas such as: immune system, liver (Hepatitis C), abnormal cell, infection, cyst, detoxification and digestion.
Utsukushii contains 1 trillion good bacteria and has three patents: Anti Tumor Agent, Immune Activating Effect, Therapeutic agent on Hepatitis C.
Covid19, myoma, cyst, bowel cancer, allergic, bowel detoxification, digestion problem, cholesterol, skin problem and hepatitis
Developed with high quality in mind
To assure our high quality products, our company Asayama Family Club (AFC) and our products must meet all the standards to keep achieving and excelling in all areas of health and a peace of mind to all our customers. Below are SOME of certifications, awards and patents to ensure that we put quality & safety as our priority as well.
AFC is the oldest and biggest pharmacy company in Japan and registered in Tokyo Stock Exchange, has five big factories in Japan and the first Japan pharmacy got GMP certificate.

Bronze Quality Award - Monde Selection 2021
2nd Top Sales WorldWide - 2020
Best Selling Product - AP2LI 2020
Popular Choice Unity Singapore 2011 - 2019
HALAL - Japan Muslim Association
Good Manufacturing Practice - Japan
Organic Certificate - Japan
Cell Regeneration Effect
Improve Blood Circulation
Anti - Hypertensive Agent
Prevents Blood Clotting
Immune Activating Agent
Anti Tumor Agent
Therapeutic Agent on Hepatitis C
Get Subarashi & Utsukushii then prove it yourself
“My daughter consumes Utsukushii, only half of sachet in the morning and remaining in the evening. She has better immune towards food allergic & visibly better skin”
“I consume only subarashi for my breakfast during whole month of Romadhon. It gives me strength, besides it also improves my immune towards my sneezy morning”

- 1 Package
- 2 Boxes
- 150 BV
- Good for Personal

Most Popular- 6 Packages
- 12 Boxes
- 900 BV
- Higher Redemption
- Best for Business
Price subject to change . Update may takes time . Contact for updated price

- 3 Packages
- 6 Boxes
- 450 BV
- Good for Starter
Frequently Asked Questions
Clarify your inquiries!
How to consume?
In the morning, empty stomach, put under the tounge. Drink water
For what age & pregnancy?
It can be consumed by anyone, and starting age of 3 years old
Consume together with medicine?
Consume Subarashi first, after one hour then the medicine.
Any side effects?
It may have different reactions to anyone. The reaction is due to detoxification, such as: sleepy, headache or dizzy, tingling, bloated, diarrhea.
Visible results?
Different person will have different effect on visible results. It is recommended to consume for 6 months, with regular dosage of 2x a day.
DOsage for recovery & maintenance
Dosage for regular consumption is 2x a day ( 5 – 9 am & 5 – 7pm). For recovery is depending on the therapy. Usually it will have more dosage to have great effect on recovery, once the critical condition passed, you may reduce the dosage. Consult for more.
Consult for More!
Still have some queries to clarify, free free to reach me here.
Email Address
Call Me
+62 811 888 4327
South Jakarta
South Tangerang